Moriz Naehr ~ Gustav Klimt in front of his studio in Wien-Josefstadt, 1912
Generally, visitors were amazed to see his sketches tossed here and there on the floor at the mercy of the cats.  Arthur Roessler reported, “Once I visited Klimt’s and rummaged through a pile of no less than 500 sheets, surrounded by eight or ten cats that meowed and purred and, in playing and chasing one another, scattered the rustling studies.  Amazed, I asked him why he tolerated this running around that ruined hundreds of his most beautiful drawings.  Klimt retorted, “It’s not important if they crumple up this sheet or that other sheet, that’s nothing.  That way they rub against one another and -You know? That is the best fixative!” ➔ Eva Di Stefano ~ Gustav Klimt: Art Nouveau Visionary

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